Pratibhaben Mansinghbhai Gohil, a farmer from Village - Movaachi, Ta- Bardoli, Dist- Surat, Gujarat, is born and brought up in a farmer family. She is a graduate in the field of Microbiology and is passionate about farming.
Pratibhaben has been associated with farming since her younger day, along with her husband Mr.Mansingh Gohil. Both of them have been growing Sugarcane for a very long time in their 5 acre farm, It is known that sugar is sold into sugar factory and for Pratibhaben whose farm is in Bardoli where one of the biggest sugar factory is located, Still she wasn't satisfied with the conventional ways of farming.
How it started?
Due to her dissatisfaction towards Monocrop farming,Pratibhaben often pay visit to farmers with non-conventional farming method or crops and has been observing how to grow healthy produces in the farm due to her educational background, eventually she got in touch with farmers in South Gujarat region who follows SPNF(Subhash Palekar Natural Farming) method.
Inspired by other SPNF farmers she also experimented the process into her farm for multi-crops like, Sugarcane and Selam Turmeric. Out of surprise she got amazing result for both of them. The Sugarcane was dense and full of juice without any disease in it. Around 10 tons of Turmeric produced which was almost 30% more.
Turmeric which grew larger in size and more in quantity than regular farmers crop, she decided to go for the lab testing. Regular turmeric which has Curcumin level averaging 2- 3.5%, her produce contained more then 4.95% of Curcumin content.
Due to amazing results she decided to process the Turmeric into Turmeric powder from NAU(Navsari Agriculture University). The biggest challenge for her was to sell her produce as she was not experienced in the sales nor she had the network, While exploring Titodi Bazaar while surfing on internet randomly she took the initiative to start selling the produce by her own using Titodi platform under the name of Vatsal Prakrutik Farm. To which, She got exposure to the customers in Surat and around as well.
Pratibhaben Gohil is an idle example of a female farmer at Titodi that showcases the success story by the power of the internet and digitisation for the agriculture domain.
To visit & order turmeric from her please visit her store below:

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